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Before You Fly

High-quality maps start with high-quality data.

Data Collection Best Practices

Planning a 2D Photogrammetry Mapping Mission with DJI Drones

What are SRT files and how to turn them on

Getting Started on Nova

Create your first project and invite your team members.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Turn on Graphics Acceleration to Increase Processing Speed by 10x

Process Data with our Sample Data

Manage your Subscriptions and Data Usage

Cancel my Subscription

Add-ons and Processing

Find how-to steps or tutorial videos for all the plugins and features on Nova.

Fire AI: Hotspot


Full Motion Video




Lines and Polygons

Fire AI: Fire Perimeter

Text on Map


Sharing and Exporting

Learn how to create, share, and manage your maps.

Inviting Your Team

What is PubSub

Create a PDF Map

Access Control in Nova (1)

